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Friday, January 13, 2012

Cardio Swag, Week Two...Chilly? Check this...

Week 2 of your quest for more Cardio Swag has come to a close, and I tip my hat to you for making it through the first two weeks of the year with at least two work-outs under your belt. Nicely done! 

 It has been unseasonably warm, and in the DC area that is blessing for this time of year. Warm weather makes me want to be outside, and judging by the runners I see in the streets, I am not alone.  Soon enough (today) the temp will take a dip, and so will the number of people getting their outdoor Cardio Swag fix. Do you have a plan for what you are going to do? Here are a few tips. 

1. Commit to maintaining your efforts - You have done a great job so far, and if being outside is part of your plan, commit to keeping it going. 
Don't let the weather stop you! 

2. Invest in some cold-weather gear. Those New Year sales are good for a couple solid cold-gear mock turtle-necks, some leg coverage,  a light water-proof jacket, and a gator to cover your nose and mouth (helps keeps your face warm).  Even if you don't workout outdoors, you'll need them when it's time to shovel snow. 

3. Put your gear out the night before - If you get your dose of Cardio Swag in the morning, it can make life easier if you don't have to dig in your closet for your workout gear in the morning while you are wiping sleep from your eyes. 

No matter what you are doing, and where you do it, keep it Cardio-Swagalicious (...don't play me at Words w/ Friends). 



PS - Shout outs to the trainers and fellow fitness folks on Twitter who encourage us all to push a little harder.  Know that your encouragement helps. @Vigi06

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