I am packing for TEDMED, and I am glad I do not have far to go because my bag is getting heavy. It has three major things in it; sugar, sex, and stress. Sugar comes in the form of cupcakes for seductive purposes only. Those dangerously delicious delights are plaguing waistlines nationwide, but they seem to get people's attention, so I'm bringing some. Sex is packaged as condoms from the DC Department of Health's "Rubber Revolution". All I ask is that they are put to use for both barrier protection and conversation barrier elimination. Stress is the heaviest item in my bag, mainly because it's so ubiquitous, but also because these copies of the President's budget are so figuratively heavy. Perhaps I should just bring the Public Health Trust Fund section, it seems to lose weight easily (a worm perhaps).

I need to get going, we all do (literally). It's time to make that mixtape...it must be time for TEDMED12. See you there, come join me in the booth.
PS - That's not me in the pic, that's the legendary Grandmaster Flash doing what we need to do, mixing so people move.
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