Earlier this year, I asked you to join me in a quest for "CardioSwag". I know it sounds like a challenge for a street version of "Game of Thrones", but it's real life. CardioSwag is the complete and confident composure that you experience and maintain after a good workout, and it feels so good, you'll want more of it.
Spring will be over in just four weeks, and I am back with a couple tips to keep you "swagalicious" throughout the summer.
1. Keep Eating Smart - you get a cheat day each week (just one), and do your very best to stay away from the "cook-out kryptonite", e.g. hot-dogs and creamy salads (macaroni, potato, etc.) A burger without the bun and some grilled veggies are great substitutes. You know what to do.
2. Mix Things Up - the class / program you signed up for this spring might be boring you, so switch it up. Get outside for a walk / run. Do some high-intensity interval training (short bursts of high activity) to spark your metabolism. Check these High Intensity Interval Training Tips from Fitness B&W
3. Water - It's the best way to hydrate. The energy drinks are good when you need them, but most of us can do well on good old H2O. An ice-cold 500mls of water first thing in the morning will get your engine going.
4. Stay Positive - Maintained effort gets results - never forget that, and keep things in perspective. The company you keep can make a difference too. Count on good friends to motivate you, and work on building your internal resolve. I know you've got this.
It's time to hit that summer swag button.