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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cardio Swag Week 4 - (almost) 30 days & still going strong...

A special shout-out to all of you who have made it to this point of the year without slacking in your pursuit of Cardio Swag. How good does it feel to have come this far?  You should feel proud of yourselves! Whatever you have been doing, you should stay the course, and in February think about stepping it up.

By committing to personal changes, and getting to week 4 of 2012 with a few workouts under your belt, you have made a statement.  You are saying that you want something badly enough that you are willing to make some changes to achieve it.  You are making moves and watched the barriers to your success disappear.  With time, this workout thing will become second nature to you.  You'll want to do it, because it'll make you feel good...that's Cardio Swag, and it will spread like mustard into other parts of your life.

I understand that there are circumstances that make it hard to get over some hurdles, so what I am saying may not resonate with you right now. But if you are reading this, then you might be thinking about some changes.  That's the first step, and it's something to feel good about. Now make something good happen with what remains of this half-hour, or hour, or day.  Just make sure some of it is physical, and all of it's good.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Cardio Swag Week Three - Getting Grinchy on Girl Scout Cookies.

It's the end of week three, and you have made it through at least six workouts.  The end of January is coming, and you have not let up.  That's something to be proud of, so congrats!

This week's commentary is more a warning than a set of tips. It's a bit Grinchy, but given the topic,  and the "that just ain't right" pressure that was given to the likes of Burger King this week, it is both necessary and timely.

Late February marks the start of Girl Scout Cookie (GSC) season.  You know, those delectable treats that you can only buy from girl scouts or their close relatives.  It's like a special security clearance is required to be able to sell the things, and if you are not in the network, you search for someone who is.   After watching an SNL segment about the cookies and doing a little research, I was struck that besides being an exclusive, best-selling product, GSCs are like kryptonite for some people.  They are also like Paula Deen in that they are no good for you when you are trying to stay out of your local hospital's intensive care unit. (Please do not comment on her new pharma spokes-person role.)

For some of you, this post will be a reminder of your need to buy and store some GSCs.  You know who you are..."cookie freezers".  Telling me they are delicious will only get a single head-nod from me. Buying one box instead of three, will get you some dap, and not buying any will get you applause.  Here's what else it will get you:

1 - The same tax break that buying the cookies gets.  I know that's why you buy them in the first place, right?

2 - Knowledge that you have the discipline to resist annual temptations (particularly ones that promote non-family setting mindless eating).  This power can be applied to other things that make you drool. 

3 - The taste of those cookies will be long gone when you try to put that swim-suit on.

We all have our weaknesses, and I did say that you get a cheat day each week. You may be taking more than one, but that's your business.  If you can (and I know you can), treat delicacies like cookies with the utmost caution.  Almost as if they were a weaponized biological agent. Extreme? Perhaps, but you are reading this for your health, aren't you?

Stay positive and stay on course, Cardio Swag is on it's way, I promise.




Keep an eye out for me on C-SPAN's Washington Journal with Dr. Edward Sondik, Director of the National Center for Health Statistics to discuss, "How Americans Maintain Their Health". 9:15am, Friday, January 20th, 2012.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cardio Swag rocks the bells.

I took my own advice and tried a new workout yesterday.  It was cool, I had a good time doing it, and most importantly, today, I am feeling it (in a good way), so I thought I'd share what I did.  

Kettle-bells I do not have, but I have dumbells, so this first time out, I used a single 30 lb weight.  If I keep this up I may invest in a real kettle-bell. Dead-lifts, high pull-ups, two handed swings, goblet squats, 8 reps each w/ push-ups (10-8-6-4) in-between. That's a set, and it took me about 3 minutes.  It was my first time trying this, so I sometimes had to slow down to maintain form. Even had to restart a couple exercises because I was just doing them wrong. On average I probably rested a minute between sets, and I admit to playing DJ a couple times while finding my motivation tracks. I managed to repeat this routine five times in the alloted time 20 minutes.  

I think that because you are not moving your feet much, the intensity of this workout does not hit you until you complete a set and take a breather. At one point I thought my heart was going to do something out of order, and when I looked at my heart-rate monitor I could see why, it read 180 bpm.  I had no pain or light-head though, so I didn't stop.  My heart rate averaged 157 bpm for the duration of the work-out (20 minutes). We'll see how that progresses. 

This set of four simple exercises (total 40 reps each for me) plus 150 push-ups in 20 minutes was a challenge, and I need to do it again. Over time, I will get quicker, cleaner, and then can add reps (see link), then add weight.  

I went for the intermediate level on this one, and it was a good place to start.  It will be a good compliment to the other things I do.  These are not challenging exercises on their own, the key seems to be in keeping the flow.  In a week I want to be at 6 sets in 20 minutes. I can get there. 

Now if I just need to do a better job cleaning-up my diet. The pursuit of Cardio Swag continues. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Uncommon Legacy.

"I believe in the light that shines and will never die
Oh I believe the fire burns, we stay alive
They will talk about us
Like they talked about the kings before us
They will talk about us

These are the words of a believer, achiever, leader of the globe
Feeding souls of those in need
I bleed the blood of the struggle
Walking over troubled puddles
Hustles in my chest, no hustle no progress"...

The opening lines of Common's track, Believer (from his 2011 release "The Dreamer, The Believer") ring true, especially on this Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekend.  John Legend's powerful refrain - "They will talk about us", speaks to legacy.  Often we count that legacy in material terms. Sometimes we count it in terms of name recognition and honor.  But how will we be talked about by the communities that follow us, especially in light of the shape (literal and figurative) in which we leave them? 

We know the list of health problems including obesity, high blood pressure, stroke, etc.  We all know someone afflicted with at least one of them.  We may even have a clear picture of our own health issues, but what do we do about them? Do we even speak to them honestly and confront them?    If we committed to making a single healthy change in our daily routine, over time, not only would we be better, but so too would our families, our neighbors, and our communities.  Multiply that out, and as Legend says, "...the fire burns, we stay alive".  

For that fire to burn it takes each of us to do a bit more than we are doing right now (if we can).  Common says, "Hustle's in my chest, no hustle no progress".  I hear a lot of people talking about their "hustle", and "going hard".  I know that my hustle is often not hard enough, and I suspect that the same is true for many people.  We really don't push as hard, as often, or for as long as we should.  The new year is a great time to change all that.  For that matter, every new day is a great time to do it.

I write this piece right after a short work-out that I did not want to do because of a nagging cough / cold. It was a combination of weights, calisthenics, and plyometrics. It got my heart rate up to 164 BPM (beats per minute).  I burned a few hundred calories, followed it with a sensible breakfast, flipped on the Common album, and sat down to write. I feel a bit better for it.  I cannot write about this without doing it, and I need to push myself to do it better.  I want that to be part of my legacy. 

Peace, be safe, and serve someone. 


Friday, January 13, 2012

Cardio Swag, Week Two...Chilly? Check this...

Week 2 of your quest for more Cardio Swag has come to a close, and I tip my hat to you for making it through the first two weeks of the year with at least two work-outs under your belt. Nicely done! 

 It has been unseasonably warm, and in the DC area that is blessing for this time of year. Warm weather makes me want to be outside, and judging by the runners I see in the streets, I am not alone.  Soon enough (today) the temp will take a dip, and so will the number of people getting their outdoor Cardio Swag fix. Do you have a plan for what you are going to do? Here are a few tips. 

1. Commit to maintaining your efforts - You have done a great job so far, and if being outside is part of your plan, commit to keeping it going. 
Don't let the weather stop you! 

2. Invest in some cold-weather gear. Those New Year sales are good for a couple solid cold-gear mock turtle-necks, some leg coverage,  a light water-proof jacket, and a gator to cover your nose and mouth (helps keeps your face warm).  Even if you don't workout outdoors, you'll need them when it's time to shovel snow. 

3. Put your gear out the night before - If you get your dose of Cardio Swag in the morning, it can make life easier if you don't have to dig in your closet for your workout gear in the morning while you are wiping sleep from your eyes. 

No matter what you are doing, and where you do it, keep it Cardio-Swagalicious (...don't play me at Words w/ Friends). 



PS - Shout outs to the trainers and fellow fitness folks on Twitter who encourage us all to push a little harder.  Know that your encouragement helps. @Vigi06

Friday, January 6, 2012

Cardio Swag - Week One.

Congratulations!! If you got through the first week of the year with a couple workouts under your belt, I want to applaud you. Admit it, the "cardio-swag" you felt after that exercise was good to you, wasn't it? Well, you made it, and the first weekend of the year is here to tempt you. To keep your momentum I need you to do a couple things over the next two days.

1. Eat smart - you get a cheat day, but just one, and please don't go wild while watching football. You know what you need to do.
2. Keep moving - the class / program you signed up for may not be meeting this weekend, but you can take a walk, do some ab work, and get a good stretch.
3. Maintain a positive outlook - This is the start of something good. The road is long, but you've got this! I know you can handle it.

"Cardio swag" (#CardioSwag on Twitter) is the complete and confident composure that you experience and maintain after a good workout. If you didn't know, now you know!

Let's get it then!


Monday, January 2, 2012

5 Steps To Change You Can Keep in 2012.

Happy New Year !  January just began and already I am tired of seeing and hearing the "R" word.  Just like Christmas music in the mall, it started coming out right after Thanksgiving.  This year, I am not using it.  Why? Because it's too much pressure, and I want you to succeed in meeting and exceeding your goals this year.  

Before any of us can even begin to make sustainable changes in our lives, we have to get our minds right.  Getting the right gear, the right job, the right partner, etc, is all good.  If your mind isn't in the right place though, none of that will not matter. Vijay Govindarajan penned a blog about long-term growth for HBR that struck a nerve for me.  I have applied his list to personal change.  

     1. Know what you are playing for. Why are you in the game? Are you trying to win the championship or content with second place? I know everyone doesn't feel like they need to win, but when it comes to your health, you do.  Conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes (sugar), and obesity are on the list of things you want to prevent or control. There are ways to do that.  First step, see your doctor for your annual physical as soon as possible. 

         2. Speak the same language.  Understanding is key.  Going to see a medical provider is one thing, understanding what they say to you is something else.  "What's that, Doc?” is not a bad question.  More on this, and speaking the same lingo as the people you take on this journey with you.  

         3. Imagine the future. Visualize your goals and how they will make you feel, look, and even act.   It doesn’t matter if the goal is physical, financial, or spiritual, or emotional, it’s yours, so imagine the future before you start the journey, then write it down, and check-in with your list regularly. 

      4. Align your actions with your intentions.  Sounds simple, and I suggest that you align two things in particular, regardless of your goals. Your friends and your fridge.  More on this later.  

         5. Just do it. Put it all together, and “make like a tennis shoe”. It's in your hands.  Nike could not have said it better. 

     Stay tuned for a three part series on the things you can treat yourself to once you reach your milestones.   

Peace, and again, Happy New Year,

Let's get it!