My head and and my heart always grow heavy at the news of artists I like being sick or dying young. Why does it matter that they are artists? It matters because as precious as the lives of all our loved-ones are, for a multitude of reasons we may not be as influential in their "health-lives" as the artists that I am referring to. When entertainers perform, people listen, and while we may not emulate everything that is being said, we nod along because we can relate to the words, the feelings, the circumstances. We can see ourselves in the lives of others, we all do it from time to time. So when people start dying suddenly, people we "just saw a week ago at the awards show looking good", then we should have no choice but to wonder how it happened, why it happened, and what about their situation is similar to ours? Do we see the connections, or do they not apply because their passing did not come with a beat and a remix?

Sermon's story is the only one from this cohort being told by the man while he lives. The others never got to say too much about theirs, and I can imagine why. Health is so private that we often feel that sharing information about it may have people think differently of us. There comes a point where on-lookers don't have to say a word though, and the trained eye can see the problem from across the room. Truth be told, the on-looker doesn't really matter, because your health starts with you. You, as the on-looker in the mirror and the listener to your own heart and lungs, you know when it started getting harder to do what you used to do, and you need to know why. It might be your weight, it might be your joints, it might be your lungs, it could be something else, but whatever it is, you need to know.

If something about what we are doing now has to change in order to increase the chances of all that happening, I think that the change is worth it. We may not be putting all this down in a studio over sixteen bars, but the tracks we produce in the studio that we call "home", they can be hits too. All we need to do is be brave enough to humbly step up to the mic while it's still on. Go ahead...step up.